Research with Impact

Building a safer, smarter world

Wright School of Business (WSOB) faculty researchers are developing solutions that address critical national and global challenges and make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. These articles, spanning the last five years, written by current WSOB faculty and found in either the ABDC or Cabell’s in the areas of accounting, finance, economics, marketing, and management, make advances through a range of projects including:

  • Zarafshani, K., Solaymani, A., D’Itri, M. P., Helms, M. M., & Sanjabi, S. (2020).  Evaluating Technology Acceptance in Agricultural Education in Iran: A study of Vocational Agriculture Teachers.   Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 2., doi: 10.1016/j.ssaho.2020.100041. Impact Factor = 1.8.
  • Park, C., & Kim, D. ‘. (2020).  Perception of Instructor Presence and Its Effects on Learning Experience in Online Classes.   Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 19. Impact Factor = 2.571 (2023).
  • Park, C., & Kim, D. ‘. (2020).  Exploring the Roles of Social Presence and Gender Difference in Online Learning.   Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education. Impact Factor = 1.297 (2023).
  • Park, C., Kim, D., Cho, S., & Han, H. (2019). Adoption of multimedia technology for learning and gender difference. Computers in Human Behavior, 92, 288-296. Impact Factor = 6.829 (2020).
  • Garcia, F., Hammontree, M. C., Helms, M. M., & Duarte, P. (2022). Adaptations of multinational subsidiaries for surviving host country crises: A case study of Venezuela. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets. 14(4), 396-414. Appeared online October 4, 2022. Impact Factor = 2.488 (2023).
  • Smith, D., Byrd, J., and Helms, M.M. (2020) “Dalton Convention Center:  A Beacon or White Elephant?” IMA Educational Case Journal (IECJ), 13(2), Article 3, June, 
  • Swalens, M., McLean, A., & Helms, M. (2020).  Can Clusters Survive: A Case Study of the Flooring Industry’s Evolution.   Journal of Competitiveness Studies. Impact Factor = 6.68 (2022).
  • Littlefield, J., & Littlefield, J. E. (2019).  Policy Implications of Localised Stigma: A Case Study of Vulnerabilities Experienced by Mobile Home Park Residents.   Social Business, 9 (1), 49-68. Impact Factor = 0.60 (2021).
  • Ryle, P., Assyad, A., Bartley, E., McKnight, M., & Bueltel, B. (2022). Countering Identity Theft and Strengthening Data Security Practices Across the Tax Preparer Community. The Contemporary Tax Journal.
  • Ryle, P., Bueltel, B., Beckman, J., & McKnight, M. (2021). Decoding Lessons from the Facebook Consent Decree: Does Sarbanes-Oxley Foreshadow the Future of Privacy Regulation? International Journal of Disclosure and Governance. Impact Factor = 2.11 (2021).
  • Ryle, P., Yan, J., & Gardiner, L. (2022). GRAMM-LEACH-BLILEY GETS A SYSTEMS UPGRADE. EDPACS:The EDP Audit, Control, and Security Newsletter, 65 (2), 6-17 Impact Factor = 0.40 (2021).
  • Rutti, R., Garcia, F., & Helms, M. M. (2021).  Entrepreneurship in Peru: A SWOT Analysis.   International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (CTP), 42 (3), 369-396. Impact Factor = 1.147 (2021).
  • Admadi, M., Dileepan, P., & Helms, M. M. (2020).  Long-Term Benefits of Student-Centered Experiential Learning in An MBA Quantitative Decision Analysis Course.   SAM Advanced Management Journal, 85 (2), 43-54. Impact Factor = 3.21 (2021).
  • Helms, M. M., Byrd, J. D., & Smith, D. L. (2021). Implementing a Service-learning Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program: Recruiting college student participants and understanding the benefits to all stakeholders. Higher Education Studies. Impact Factor = 3.823.
  • Gabrini, C., McDonald, B., & Eger, R. (2020).  Does the Presence of Internal Audit Affect the Outcome of a Municipality’s Financial Audit?   Journal of Applied Economics and Business, 22 (10), 124-137. Impact Factor = 0.454 (2015).
  • Ryle, P., Beultel, B., Walker, A. K., Gabrini, C., & McKnight, M. (2020).  The Impact of the Facebook Court Order & CCPA 2020: Helping Businesses and Accountants Meet the Challenge of the New Era of Privacy Compliance.   Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy, 21 (2), 247-262. Impact Factor = 3.62 (2022).
  • Soled, J. A., Goodman, L., & Ryle, P. (2020).  Tax Consequences Associated with Reputation-Enhancement Expenditures.   Journal of Taxation. Impact Factor = 0.3 (2021).
  • Ryle, P., Soled, J., & Goodman, L. (in press, 2020).  Tax Consequences with Data Breaches and Identity Theft.   Journal of Accountancy.
  • Ryle, P., Hope, A., Goodman, L., & Soled, J. (2020).  Tax Consequences Associated with E-Gaming.   Journal of Taxation. Impact Factor = 0.3 (2021).
  • Connors, J., & Usrey, S. (2019). Independent Contractors versus Employees with regard to Jobs Act. Tennessee CPA Journal.
  • Garcia, F., Guidice, R. M., & Mero, N. P. (2019).  The Interactive Effect of Person and Situation on Explorative and Exploitative Behavior.   Journal of Management and Organization., doi: Impact Factor = 4.139 (2023). Impact Factor = 4.139 (2023).
  • Culp, R. P. (2019). Health Insurance: Most Effective When Not Used? A Proposal For Healthcare Reform. New York Economic Review.
  • Zarafshani, K., Helms, M. M., & D’Itri, M. P. (2019). Revitalizing the Co-Operative Sector in Iran. SAM Advanced Management Journal. Impact Factor = 3.21 (2021).
  • Ahmadi, M., Dileepan, P. Adair, D., and Helms, M.M. (2022).  A Simulation Analysis for Identifying Bottlenecks and Reducing Patient Waiting Times:  The Use of Big Data.  SAM Advanced Management Journal, 87(3). Impact Factor = 3.21 (2021).
  • Nandi, S., Hervani, A. A., & Helms, M. M. (2020).  Circular Economy Business Models- Supply Chain Perspectives.   IEEE Engineering Management Review, 48 (2), 193-201, doi: 10.1109/EMR.2020.2991388. Impact Factor = 1.587 (2023).
  • Nandi, S., Sarkis, J., Hervani, A. A., & Helms, M. M. (2020).  Redesigning Supply Chains using Blockchain-Enabled Circular Economy and COVID-19 Experiences.   Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27 (2021), 10-22, doi: 10.1016/j.spc.2020.10.19. Impact Factor = 5.032 (2023).
  • Nandi, S., Sarkis, J., Hervani, A., & Helms, M. M. (2020).  Do Blockchain and Circular Economy Practices Improve Post COVID-19 Supply Chains? A Resource-Based and Resource-Dependence Perspective.   Industrial Management and Data Systems Journal, 121 (2), 333-363, doi: 10.1108/IMDS-09-2020-0560. Impact Factor = 4.224 (2023).
  • Connors, J.Haverland, B. D., Hammontree, M., & Marshall, V. (2019). Examining Teaching Effectiveness through Management Theories and Frameworks. Journal for Academic Excellence.
  • Connors, J.Haverland, B. D., Hammontree, M., & Marshall, V. (2019). Examining Teaching Effectiveness through Management Theories and Frameworks. Journal for Academic Excellence.
  • Gardiner, L. R.Kim, D., & Helms, M. M. (2019). Key Recommendations for Improving AoL Assessments: A Longitudinal Analysis of Rater Bias and Reliability in Embedded Rubric-Based Measurements. Journal of Education for Business. Impact Factor = 1.353 (2023).
  • Hyatt, K. E. (2022). Stressors in Higher Education that Lead to Burnout and Solutions to Avoid It. Journal of Business and Education Leadership.
  • Garcia, F., & Hammontree, C. (2021). Wright School of Business Collaborative Online International Program. Dalton State Digest.
  • Park, C., & Kim, D. ‘. (2022). Telepresence And Social Presence in Online Learning. Southeast Decision Sciences Institute.
  • Garcia, F. (2020).  Bringing speakers virtually as a HIP during Covid-19.  Dalton State Digest, 2 (1), 7.
  • Korani, Z., Zarafshani, K., Largani, S.M.H, Alibaygi, A., Korani, Z., Zarafshani, K., S.M.H., Alibaygi, A., D’itri, M., and Helms, M.M. (in press, 2020).  Designing Model for Internship Course in Higher Agricultural Education System Using the Delphi Technique: Combining Academicians and Practitioner Viewpoints.   International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development. Impact Factor = 0.02 (2015).
  • Gardiner, L. R.Kim, D., & Helms, M. M. (2019).  Key Recommendations for Improving AoL Assessments: A Longitudinal Analysis of Rater Bias and Reliability in Embedded Rubric-Based Measurements.   Journal of Education for Business, 95 (4), 227-233. Impact Factor = 1.353 (2023).
  • LeMay, S., Helms, M.M., Rutti, R., & Hammontree, M. (2019).  The EPIC Framework: Introducing EPIC+ and Reassessing The Case Of Venezuela.   Competitiveness Review. Impact Factor = 2.449 (2023).
  • Connors, J.Haverland, B. D., Hammontree, M., & Marshall, V. (2019). Examining Teaching Effectiveness through Management Theories and Frameworks. Journal for Academic Excellence.